About Me

Lyr Blackwell

Hi Hello! I’m Lyr Blackwell, and I am a graduate of Claflin University with a Bachelor of Arts in Digital Design. I have been drawing since preschool, and my mother continued to teach me her drawing knowledge (she is also an artist) even after I graduate high school. In elementary school was when I was first interested in the Japanese anime art style, taking heavy inspiration from mainstream shows like Naruto, DragonBallZ, Jujutsu Kaisen, and others. I was working on my own style, while also learning about those styles, eventually adapting them to mine.

My mother first taught me realistic proportions and anatomy when I was 13. This was the first drawing obstacle I really faced (other than drawing in class when I wasn’t supposed to). I then decided to take those lessons on realism and combine them with the anime styles I learned, thus creating my own style. I then went to high school, when I had my first experiences with digital software, including Illustrator, Photoshop, and Autodesk Sketchbook.

Here I am with a degree from Claflin. I have learned and developed digital art skills and now use that as my primary art medium. I have used my talents for commissions, internships, and collaborations. I am a part of a group of seven called KuroKami where we all have a collective vision surrounding artistic execution, I plan to go far with these individuals.


A piece done in early 2021 for one of my digital design classes titled “Presentation Techniques.” For this class, students were instructed to create pieces surrounding a certain element or principle of design. This piece was to showcase variety of colors, with each color being assigned to a sword of differing elements.


Another piece constructed in early 2021 for my presentation techniques course. This piece surrounded the movement principle, conveyed through coins each containing one letter of the word while circling down a coin funnel.

Copyright (c) 2022 Lyr Blackwell

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